Chinese or Pionese (Pioneers)

The Chinese are making cheap-end pans, but with little to no added value-added services (quality assurance, customer service/communication, teaching). The Pionese are just riding the first mover wave of being in the handpan market from the beginning. And the greatest irony of it all is that the original handpan inventor that claims sovereignty over the instrument has an issue with all of them. 

The handpan itself was inspired by the steel drums of the Caribbean, also known as Steel Pans. Their lovely sound sings just like what you might imagine walking on the white beaches of the Caribbean.

As to who the invention of the hang, the handpan, or the steel pans belong to? NovaPans Handpans believes the answer is the people and the Earth. This is why ever since its establishment - and also the reason for its prominence - NovaPans has prioritized the accessibility of the handpan over anything else. Where others may focus more on ownership, profit or fame, NovaPans investment of energy and resources is wholly in the providing of quality, long-term handpans to as many people, as affordably and as soon as possible. 

Message us if you have any enquiries or heartfelt feelings on the topic!

Much love,

NovaPans Handpans

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