How To Choose Your Handpan
So you want to buy your first handpan? Or perhaps it's your second handpan and you still have curiosities? Nonetheless, you likely have twenty questions and the more you research handpans, the less you can decide. No worries, we fully understand! That's why we've created the following brief guide on "How To Choose Your Handpan" based on 3-4 steps; Scale choice, Key choice, Model choice, and also Size choice.
1. The Scale
Regardless of which handpan brand or model you choose, in almost all cases you will be asked which "scale" you would like to purchase. In short, the scale is simply the choice of notes that go onto your handpan. For example, if you've ever heard of a "Minor Scale" or a "Major Scale" then you'll know that different arrangements of different notes can create different ambiances; some uplifting; some mysterious; some suspenseful, some alluring.
Which handpan scale you choose does not define the quality of the handpan, however, it will determine the mood you create when you play. Some people choose a Major scale (such as the Amara, Pygmy, Sabye, Goonkali) just because Major scales typically have a natural connotation of feeling joyful, floating, and general calm and peace. On the other hand, some opt for more of a Minor scale (such as the Kurd, Hijaz, or Pentatonic Minor) that evoke more feelings of exploration or more dynamic adventures. That's not to say that can't "explore" on a Major scale - you most definitely can! - it's just that Minor scales tend to allow for greater journeying of the darkness.
In any event, don't think too much of the logical explanation above and try to choose a scale based on what calls to you - in other words, what naturally, intuitively sounds like a handpan scale you would like to play - because remember, it's you who is playing the handpan.
Have a look at the following video we made below which compares almost all of the available scales to help advise people find "the one" that best sings to their heart.
If you're still really not sure and going over all of the above just makes you even more overwhelmed, then you might like to simply explore and decide between on of two of the most popular scales, the Kurd and the Amara.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us should have any questions or concerns whatsoever!
2. The Key
Choosing the arrangement of notes (the "Scale") is one thing, but choosing the first note the scale starts on, known as the "Key") is something slightly different. Many handpans begin on the note of D3 - the note D indicates the pitch, and the the number "3" indicates the octave i.e. how high the note is in the range. Why D3? It's possible that when the first handpan was made in the year 2000 that this note happened to be the most stable of the all the notes to be the first note of the handpan.
Fast forward 20+ years and you now have the option to have your handpans built in the keys ranging from as low as A2 all the way up to C4 (and higher). Do note that the lower or higher the key, the more rare the handpan - and probably the harder it is to produce! NovaPans itself offers the full range of all notes from F2 to A3 which is still remarkably exceptional. Handpans with rarer keys need to be built using a steel that is stable enough to hold the notes, such as stainless steel. This is why we only offer more of the expansive Keys on our Generation 7 Handpans found here.
Again, when choosing your handpan Key, just trust your instinct. D3 may be the most popular due to historical reasons unclear, but it also feels like quite a comfortable first note that sits relatively in the middle of the range of most songs played. C#3 and C3 are one note lower that you might like to choose if maybe you just want something different than most handpans or if the lower tones resonate with you better. You may like your handpan starting on a higher note such as F3 or even G3 because of the way the notes sing ever so more easily over most background noise or other instruments! It's all up to you!
3. The Model
As you've probably noticed, we offer three types of different handpans; the Generation 4, the Generation 3, and the Generation 7, and we list them in that order based on their advantages in learnability, performability, and healing properties.
Generation 4s. Very briefly put, if you're looking for a starter handpan, something that'll get you going on the handpan at a reduced budget, but still something that offers all the handpan's original technical abilities of the full scale, pitch bends, note sustain - plus with the choice of over 12+ different colors! - then the Generation 4 is an excellent choice.
Generation 3s on the handpan are similar budget-priced but offer a little more projection than other handpans. It is for this reason why we deem the Generation 3s the "Virtuoso Handpan" or "Busking Handpan" as these handpans suit best outdoor or large-spaced venues where the handpan needs to be heard while there's noise in the background, without compromising the notes' resonance.
Our Generation 7s on the other hand are a whole separate category in themselves. Built out of stainless steel, our Gen 7s boast a sustain like no other. There is no wonder ever since its introduction in 2020 why the Generation 7s have been mass-adopted by people involved in sound ceremonies, healing, journeys or all-round at-home recreation purposes. Thanks to its higher grade of metal and build, the Generation 7s allow players to produce notes that not only sound sweet and resonant but hold their intonation even when playing exceptionally quiet or loud. You do not need to be a sound healer in order to get a Generation 7 but if you do get one, do expect to be getting the best quality handpan on the market for the best price; this is why we alway recommend that if you do have that extra couple hundred of dollars to get a Generation 7 over any other model, just because you know these will serve you for a lifetime and longer.
Take a look and listen at the below comparison videos of all three of the different handpan models on our site and make your own impression!
If you're still really not sure which model to get and find yourself on a budget, we recommend a Generation 4. Otherwise, we couldn't more strongly recommend one of our Generation 7s.
Do message us below should you have any questions or concerns whatsoever!
4. The Size
The size of the handpan wasn't such a factor until we introduced the "Mini Handpan" in October 2024. The Mini Handpan comes in at an additional 3-4cm / 1.2-1.6" smaller in diameter than all other handpans yet retains the same projection, sustain and resonance like any other. It is for this reason people of slightly smaller statures (smaller bodies) or for those wanting a handpan that is much, much easier and lighter to travel with, choose a Mini Handpan. Because of their size, the Mini Handpans are also only available in the higher range of keys for example, starting of F3 and G3. To learn more about the Mini Handpan, visit it here.
Other than that, all our other handpans are the same traditional size that, although slightly wide and requiring a little bit of practice to keep balanced on the lap when playing, are still excellent options for learning, playing, teaching and enjoying the handpan.
If you're still really not sure and going over all of the above just makes you even more overwhelmed, then you might like to simply explore and decide between on of two of the most keys of D3 and F3. If you're purchasing one of our Generation 3 or 4 handpans, their choice of keys are already defined to either D3, E3, or F3 which might make choosing the key easier for you. It's the Generation 7s that cater for the full range of notes.
Listen to your heart, use your ears, and see which handpan and scales call to you the most. At the end of the day, this is the handpan that you are going to be playing all of the time.
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If you have any questions whatsoever, we are here and very happy to answer them! Let us know below!